When you connect with your heart center, you will see your world through the eyes of compassion and love and your whole life will change.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
What does it mean to live through your heart center?
Living life through your heart center is about changing your perception with which you view the world, others and your circumstances. It’s about tapping into your higher self; the most powerful source of your divinity, to strengthen and nourish your soul and have the ability to project that energy out to your loved ones and the world.
Many of us actually are living the majority of our lives through the perspective of our mind. We like to refer to this as our monkey-brain. It’s the part of ourselves that processes our experiences through what we can think, feel, see, hear or touch. It’s also our rational, reasoning side. Our monkey brain is very useful in navigating the world and keeping us safe, however when we spend too much of our time focused there, we become imbalanced. Our whole experience can become “driven” by this rational thinking aspect that dictates everything including our relationships with others and how we feel about them. When we are in our monkey brain, we are able to experience fear.
A lot of our outside influences such as media, movies, etc. want us to stay in a “monkey brain processing mode” so they can keep us in a state of fear because fear sells.
As spiritual beings having a human experience, when we become imbalanced between our heart center and mind, it makes it a challenge to have a sense of total contentment. We start to feel angry, tense, fearful and depressed and feel a sense of disconnection from others and within ourselves. It’s imperative to balance our focus to be happy and healthy. If you recognize you might be spending too much of your time focused in your mind, you can move to make a conscious effort to refocus into your heart center on a regular basis until you become more balanced and happy.
Ask yourself If you lived life from your heart center what would that look like to you? If you look out through eyes of compassion and love, first and foremost, and then observe as it relates to everything in your life. What would that be like? Unconditional love is available for you. Unconditional love is that stream of energy and consciousness that comes from higher self and your I AM presence. Making a practice of connecting with your I AM presence on a regular basis will make it possible to start living your life from your heart center. You will find it easier to reach for those higher vibrational intentions the more you align with them.
How to get “into” your heart center:
Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed and lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Be aware of your body. Be aware of your thoughts. Be aware of your emotions, your physical body and your subtle bodies. Have a sense of expanding your own energy out around you and then contracting in all the energy that are within and around you. Time the expansions and contractions with your breath. See these energies as light. As you expand (breathing out) and contract (breathing in) be aware of how your are focusing your intention of breathing in this light can assist you in balancing the energies within and around you, have the sense also that the energies you are drawing in are strengthening and fortifying you.
As you seek to find that balance within your life, you find that things are just going to wash off, moving out away from you so you are fully present in this moment. Let your focused breath move through you. Breathe deeply, taking that breath in and sending that breath all the way through your body. Send it down into the earth so that you feel connected with the energies of the earth and then draw the earth energy back up within you, anchoring you, around your solar plexus.
When you are ready, on your out-breath, let go of all tension you may be holding within your body. On your in-breath, allow yourself to expand and connect with your higher self, your higher awareness.
This is where you come on a regular basis. This is where you reach out when you need to know more about a situation so that you can get perspective as if looking at your life from an overview. This is your place that was created by you, for you, A place of support and complete safety.
Have a sense of expanding this sense of yourself out, past your human body. As it moves out from you, it reaches out until it aligns with you as your I AM presence. What does that feel like? Breathe it in.
As you merge with your I AM presence, allow that stream of consciousness to move through your conscious awareness so you may more fully align; not only with your human self but you as your divinity.
Feel the light as it moves into this space. Allow it to move through everything that may be going on within your life as you are here within this consciousness. Here within the All That Is, you have the opportunity to see what it feels like from this perspective. Now consider your life from the perspective of your heart center. Send out love and compassion throughout your life and any situation you may be struggling with, send out the vibration and the essence of this balanced energy.
No matter what may be happening in your life, if you shift your perception in such a way, and look at it from this place of balance and from your heart space, it may give you a new awareness and perspective.
Each one of us is so much more than what we comprehend through our human perspective. Make a commitment to yourself to practice balancing your energy, connecting with your higher self and heart center regularly. Expand the energies of your perception; honor and respect yourself. Open to allow love for yourself. Experience life lived unconditionally for yourself. Life lived from within your heart can be even richer and filled with even more energy than ever before.
We hope that we have encouraged you in becoming empowered within your life. True empowerment can only come from within you, and it can only come from that stream of consciousness that moves through you. Filling the energy of this space and then expanding out further so that you know that the physical human that is you is indeed who you are.
But ultimately that divine essence that is true empowerment because that is you receiving more of you.
Live your life from your heart center and with balanced energies. Live your life from a place of love; filled with compassion; that compassion being first and foremost for yourself and then reflect it out to everyone else.
Place your hand over your heart and affirm, I am fully in my I AM presence, I love and am unconditionally loved. So be and so it is.